Annina Rust designs an eRiceCooker

rice1 985This unique Internet enabled rice cooker enables cooking and news at one go. An impractical joke proved wrong by Annina Rust at MIT.
The eRiceCooker tracks online news concerning genetically modified rice and whenever there is new report regarding GM (genetically modified) rice, this equipment adds quarter-cup of rice into the cooker and when adequate amount of rice is available for the meal in the cooker it automatically adds water and begins to cook and simultaneously.

It invites people for the meal by emailing them (this is not at all virtual online cooker). This project is so designed to create awareness among us against issues surrounding genetically modified organisms and hence feeding people with the rice cooked by this electronic device.

Rice is staple diet for most of us and we cannot afford to miss it. We can eat rice and enjoy genetically modified news at one go.

Via: Techdigest

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