Making Room in a Small Kitchen


Small kitchens can prove troublesome if you love to collect cooking gadgets. It’s hard to find just the right item if they are stuffed in drawers and or stacked on top of each other. To make sure you know where your items are, take the time toย organizeย and plan out the space. Investing time now could save you frustration down the road.

Don’t Discard it. Cart It.


Several of your smaller items could fit into a portable cart or island. Here you’ll need to think about your personality and kitchen use. If you’re practical, select pieces that you use often. This way, you won’t have to hunt them down. Are you more aesthetic? Consider selecting pieces that act as talking points. This way they serve as a design function as well. For example, place special platters or serving ware on the bottom shelves. These often have striking colors or unique features. When entertaining, you’ll have easy access to the items, and, on a normal day, you can still admire them as art. As a bonus, the cart, usually with a set ofย swivel casters with lock, can move from room to room. Feel free to store it in a small corner of the house. Wheel it out to use as extra cutting space or as a serving station.

Section It Off

Throw open the cabinet and pantry drawers. Take a look. How organized are you? Do you know where to find that favorite cooking utensil, or is it lost amid the other kitchen gadgets? Clutter is wasting space. Make the use of each area by establishing a system. Go through, and sort the items by category and size. Then, head out to purchase some organizers from your local home goods store. For drawers, pick out containers with sections. You’ll want to pull it open and easily spot what you need. In the pantry, grab some baskets and labels. Place similar products in the same area. Label the basket so you can easily spot your ingredients. Consistency and systems may create efficiency.

Hang It Up


Save space by moving some things up. If possible, consider suspending large pots and pans from an overhead rack. These bulky items are often stored in drawers and shelves. When this is done, they are likely to gain scratches and collect dust. Putting them up high offers easy access and protects their coating. It’s not just functional. The racks act as a focal piece for the kitchen.

Organizing can be a fun way to show off your style and get the most of a small area. Have fun choosing your methods. Afterward, enjoy the simplicity it may bring to the cooking experience.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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