You don’t have to shell out a small fortune to get the perfect date night for you and your significant other. Whether you lovebirds enjoy a Lean Kitchen meal over candlelight in the comfort of your living room or choose to create your own dish – it’s easy to enjoy a romantic night in.
1. Set the Mood
Candles lit, fire roaring, with dim light cascading through the house is a scene from a movie, and it can be the scene for your own date night at home. Setting the mood for your date night is the first step in creating that romantic, intimate atmosphere with your partner. It can be simple to get the dreamy setup right in your living room.
Get the candles and incense burning early – it will get you excited and ready for the night before it even begins! Soft lighting is also always a great way to get the vibe just right. It could help to think of all the relaxing qualities you find at a fine dining restaurant and recreate it at home!
2. Choose your Playlist
Music is key to creating a calming, relaxing atmosphere to cozy up to during your date night. After all, there’s a time and place for Taylor Swift, but leave that playlist for a girls night. If you’re looking for the perfect playlist for a date night at home, you have a ton of options.
During dinnertime, you probably want to go with some easy jazz or classical music. You also want to make sure you don’t have the volume up too high. After all, you want to hear all the sweet and loving things your partner whispers over the dinner table!
Check out some perfect romantic date night playlists on Spotify or have fun and create your own!
3. Dinner is Served
Would it even be a date night without some delicious food also heating up the evening? Whether you and your partner love to cook or stick to takeout, make mealtime an activity between the two of you. Choose a unique recipe you know that both of you would love that’s within your cooking capabilities. (We don’t expect you to be Rachel Ray but challenge yourselves!)
You can find a slew of easy yet fancy recipes online. Just make sure you don’t set yourself up for disaster. Cooking with your sweetheart will be the perfect addition to your romantic evening!
4. Pick the Flick
We all know the feeling of scrolling through Netflix only deciding on a movie to watch right before it’s time for bed. When it comes to your date night, plan in advance when it comes to what you two will cuddle up to after dinner is finished!
You want to make sure you and your significant other both enjoy the flick, even if you spend most of it chatting and cozying up. If you have been in a relationship for a while, it should be easy to decide on a movie you both will love. If you’re new to the relationship, throw some options their way before the big night!
Article Submitted By Community Writer