Customize your kitchen sinks on your own in 10 simple steps

Customize your kitchen sink

A kitchen sink is a commodity which can be overlooked very easily. However, it proves to be a very important part of kitchen as it incorporates both cooking and cleaning. A kitchen sink is not an exciting appliance for sure when compared to other major appliances present in the kitchen, but an occasional upgrade of the kitchen sink may benefit in improving the quality of life of your kitchen.

Follow these 10 minor and major ways to add a beautiful customization to your beloved kitchen.

1. Add or subtract a bowl

Sinks which are built with two bowls have become a standard structure and are helpful while dividing dishes into clean and dirty. However, there are many who want the volume and simplicity of a single basin.

However, some other manufacturers have taken turn in the other direction completely as they produce sinks which incorporates three bowl. The third one is a small bowl which may be located between the bowls or can be placed on one side and are often aimed at being connected to the disposal. However, think logically about the fact of connecting one large bowl to the disposal drain. This will help you to scrape large pans and bowls in the disposal drain. Also a three bowl sink requires the counter space to be 12 inches bigger and hence prove to be not a simple switch.

2. Under mount the sink

This is a fairly new trend which replaces the standard sink with drop in features. Its design has a lip over the counter all the way around the basins. These sinks are attached to the stone’s bottom or solid surface counter resulting into a uniformity of flush countertop surface and provides a more attractive and simple look. They are also easier to clean. You can simply squeegee all the counter debris and water in the sink without being disturbed by a lip in your way. Another great option is the tile in sink as its rim is sealed with grout and is flushed with the tile countertop surface.

3. Customize the shape

The stone sink or the acrylic sink with solid surface are the easiest to clean sink. They have a feature wherein they can easily be molded into the countertop directly. They are durable, quiet and have an option to be customized into any shape. However, they are very expensive.

4. Get custom accessories

Some sinks are equipped with cutting boards and colanders that generally fit with perfection over one of the bowls.

5. Bend the faucet

A good amount of space is created between the bottom and the spout of the basin. They make it very simple to fill tall vases and pitchers and for washing large pots.

6. Get a deeper basin

Another good way of adding more space is by getting a deeper bowl. The standard depth of basins is about 6 to 8 inches but there are some new models that offer depths till 12 inches. But this can be inconvenient for tall people.

7. Replace the handle

You can experiment with the large variety of sink handles which includes twist knobs, levers and cross handles.

8. Add a pull out sprayer

Most of the sinks are equipped with an extra hole towards the back right corner which provides space for any of the three optional accessories like hot water dispensers, sprayers and filter faucets which adds to your convenience.

9. Add a hot water dispenser

This feature provides to dispense 190 degrees of water on your demand with the help of a seperate faucet which is mounted on the sink.

10. Add a water filter

Finally you can tend to the water which is flowing into the sink using a filter on the water line which helps in eliminating odors and contaminants.

Finally, there are many ways to customize a sink. However, you cant move your sink before giving your action a thought or two because it can prove to be an expensive affair to some. People who desire a window over the sink would have to ponder and calculate their desire because moving the sink would require moving the entire window as well along with the drain and vent lines.

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